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Troubleshooting quality control in the textile industry

What is quality control?

It is not a mistake to say that many industrial sectors have evolved rapidly in recent decades. Although many attribute this growth only to technology, different factors have consolidated several industries, such as the textile industry: one of these factors was the implementation of quality control policies.

Quality control is not a procedure applied in the final stages of manufacturing a product; it is a methodology that inspects the raw material from its arrival, the processes within the production line, and the finished products. In these reviews, not only are errors pointed out, but also weak points are highlighted to improve production constantly.

These strategies are necessary for companies to achieve their maximum potential, making processes more efficient and minimizing costs. Quality control is the search for optimum performance.

What is the role of quality control in the textile industry?

The function of quality control in the textile industry is to achieve optimal production through the collection and analysis of data that allow the implementation of constant improvements in production processes, integrating new strategies, improving times, and reducing costs from the arrival of raw materials to the final manufacturing process.

Are there any regulations or standards for textile quality?

Currently, several organizations are responsible for establishing quality standards in the textile industry, which design and disseminate strict rules that industrial sectors must comply with when handling textiles to provide quality and guarantees to consumers or companies.

American Society for Testing and Materials – ASTM

American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists – AATC

International Organization for Standardization – ISO

Colombian Institute of Technical Standards – ICONTEC

In the textile industry, as in several sectors, the implementation of quality controls can help companies detect and anticipate failures from the material’s arrival, allowing a better ability to maneuver and avoid rework.

This inspection based on the specifications established by the supplier can be a time-consuming task for companies, which is why it is often a step that is ignored, resulting in high costs in terms of defects. Technological development and the specialization of companies such as AMN have made this work much less time-consuming while reducing company costs.

What are the main quality tests in the textile industry?

Perhaps you have wondered how to recognize a quality textile. Nowadays, several quality tests have been standardized to verify that materials meet the standards required by the industry. These measurements are classified into resistance, durability, color fastness, and chemical process tests.

  1. Resistance to thread slippage in the seam: this test determines the maximum force necessary to achieve thread slippage.
  2. Tear strength: determines the maximum force required until the textile material is torn.
  3. Tear strength: measures the force required to break the fabric.
  4. Elongation and recovery: applied to elastic materials, it measures the capacity of the textile to recover its original shape.
  5. Rubbing color wear: this test is performed with dry and wet textiles and measures the amount of color that the fabric transfers when rubbed.
  6. Colorfastness exposed to light: simulates the wear caused by irradiation and humidity processes.
  7. Fusing: measures the fabric’s ability to withstand pressure and extreme temperatures.

What are the benefits of implementing quality controls in the textile industry?

There are several benefits for companies to implement a correct inspection of their materials and an optimal verification of their processes.

  1.  Waste reduction: by knowing which textiles meet the quality standards required for your production, you can design and make the most of your resources.
  2. Cost reduction: you will avoid rework processes, allowing you to produce more in less time and with fewer expenses.
  3. Increased productivity: you will speed up processes thanks to the correct use of data and audits.
  4. Improvement of the final product: you will avoid working with poor-quality material.

What aspects should I consider when receiving a textile?

To avoid unforeseen changes in your production lines and make the most of your available resources, you must consider three crucial aspects: length and width, grammage, and imperfections.

  • Length and width: this will allow you to design the cuts for the correct utilization.
  • Weight: knowing whether your fabric is light, medium, or heavy will give you the criteria to know what type of tools (such as needles and threads) to use in your production line.
  • Imperfections: no matter how small they may seem, they could spoil your entire production. It is essential to pay attention to stretching, stains, or tears.

The control of your textiles is of utmost importance, and added to a correct quality inspection, together with the analysis and implementation of improvements in your manufacturing processes, can help you to solve the different challenges your company faces.

We know that implementing these strategies can be a considerable expense, and that’s why there are different alternatives, such as AMN’s textile inspection service. With this, you can continue to innovate while guaranteeing that your textiles arrive, are processed, and leave with your customers with the best quality.

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