Manufacturing is known as how different raw materials can be converted into products. This has led to annual growth of 2.6% in the transformation industry in countries like Mexico.
In addition, this leads to a growth in the number of workers and laborers in any country. Do you know how to expand your capabilities through advanced manufacturing?
The mission of this type of process is to take the extracted raw material to a quality product for the users. All this goes hand in hand with an advanced team that further promotes each developing company’s objectives.
That is why we guarantee our customers’ effectiveness in the delivered result. All this is hand in hand with good communication and innovation in developing different activities.
With effort and dedication, we seek that services like this can satisfy the different needs that exist in the market. This is how we have developed an excellent advanced manufacturing technique to improve product development.

What is the purpose of advanced manufacturing?
With advanced manufacturing, AMN seeks to improve the different production lines that exist in the market. In this way, it will be possible to increase the added value of the products considerably, raising the quality standards and providing better flexibility within the market.
This makes it quite different from the traditional type of manufacturing in which the production lines cannot offer high-impact changes to other companies.
How is the manufacturing of this type divided?
To understand a little better the advanced manufacturing services we offer, we will show you the first level categories into which it is divided:
- More efficient production:
This involves design, advanced technology, and control technology. In addition, it is essential for the simulation and the physical and computer modeling that exists for a better result. All this must be worked on simultaneously to obtain fast and quality development.
- Intelligence-based production
In this case, information technologies and different logistic systems must be related. On the other hand, machining and intelligent machines improve production and production lines, and it is necessary to apply different strategies for monitoring, maintenance, and extension of the useful life of these processes.
- Much more efficient organization
Coordination in development is key to achieving the agreed results. It is essential to work with different resources and make the best use of them in manufacturing. Technology, in this case, is fundamental for the best participation.
Features of our manufacturing service
Within AMN, our manufacturing service seeks to offer the best to each company that requires it. That is why we can divide them into three sections, which are:
Within this service, we seek to have a complete development of each of the assigned activities from the moment the partial production is achieved until the final manufacture of the product is achieved. This way, it will be possible to have a much higher profit margin with each result. In addition, the cost reduction in production will be a sure fact.
With the assembly, we can join different pieces within an industry to achieve a specific product, starting from the raw material. We also develop subassembly processes when we already have different assembled elements, which go inside each other to have a final product.
We are also in charge of offering different types of consulting services to all those international companies. Thus, developing production plants that provide additional benefits will be possible. These can highlight the decrease in risk margin in the launching.
On the other hand, we also offer good market knowledge through legal experience and better development within the different existing public relations.
If foreign companies are manufacturers and want to extend their production within Mexico, they can count on AMN. With our assistance, they will be able to integrate into the nation’s culture.
The different investments in essential functions for manufacturing and development can be made without any problems. In addition, there will be support with the necessary workforce and knowledge of the different tax regimes.
We offer a variety of parts manufactured using the most sophisticated industrial stamping methods, guaranteeing you the best quality materials.
We combine a team of professionals, high-quality equipment, and technology and processes designed to obtain maximum efficiency to protect your wiring, providing excellent service in your harness manufacturing.
Comprehensive work at AMN to boost advanced manufacturing
Advanced manufacturing is a fact within the different services we offer at AMN. You must contact us so your company can bet on some of our available resources. This way, you will get an effective result from our top experts.
Do you have more questions about Advanced Manufacturing processes?
Contact us! Our team of experts is at your service for your needs.